The Digital War: How China’s Tech Power Shapes the Future of AI, Blockchain and Cyberspace
What new directions in China’s digital economy mean for us all
China is the largest homogenous digital market on Earth: unified by language, culture, and mobile payments. Not only a consumer market of unrivaled size, it’s also a vast and hyperactive innovation ecosystem for new technologies. And as China’s digital economy moves from a consumer-focused phase to an enterprise-oriented one, Chinese companies are rushing to capitalize on ways the newer wave of tech―the Internet of Things, AI, blockchain, cloud computing, and data analytics (iABCD)―can unlock value for their businesses from non-traditional angles.
In China’s Data Economy, Winston Ma―investment professional, capital markets attorney, adjunct professor of digital economy, and bestselling author―details the profound global implications of this new direction, including how Chinese apps for services such as food delivery expand so quickly they surpass their U.S. models within a couple of years, and how the sheer scale and pace of Chinese innovation might lead to an AI arms race in which China and the U.S. vie aggressively for leadership.
- How China’s younger netizens participate in their evolving digital economy as consumers, creators, and entrepreneurs
- Why Online/Office (OMO, Online-merge-with-Offline) integration is viewed as the natural next step on from the O2O (Online-to-Offline) model used in the rest of the world
- The ways in which traditional Chinese industries such as retail, banking, and insurance are innovating to stay in the game
- What emerging markets can learn from China as they leapfrog past the personal computer age altogether, diving straight into the mobile-first economy
“As the United States and China head down the ill-conceived path of digital and technology decoupling, The Digital War must be read before these policies become irreversible. Winston Ma’s insider’s view of China’s digital development takes the reader down a path too rarely tread by those trying to understand China.”
—Stephen A. Orlins, President, National Committee on US-China Relations
“If you’re not paying attention to China’s digital transformation, you’re missing the emergence of the world’s new technology superpower, one whose innovations will drive rapid economic advances and alter the balance of global economic power. Thankfully, Winston Ma has delivered exactly the kind of comprehensive, timely and thought-provoking account you need to get up to date. Don’t miss the vitally important read.”
—Michael J. Casey, co-author, The Truth Machine: The Blockchain and the Future of Everything
“The Fourth Industrial Revolution may impose significant challenges for many of the smaller countries, especially those that are lack of technology resources and have large labor forces that might be replaced by AI. But it may also be a leapfrogging opportunity for them, if those countries embrace the new technology revolution just as keenly and the Digital Silk Road from China provides necessary support. Winston Ma’s latest book on digital economy is a cutting-edge text that spotlights the digital transformation in China and its global impact through the Silk Road in the cyberspace.”
—Prof. Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum